Powerful Learning, Powerful Leadership Part 1
Powerful Learning, Powerful Leadership
Part 1
Currently I have encouraged other teachers to utilize our "Swivle" technology to help record our teaching. This is a great opportunity to self reflect on teaching and or share ideas and great lessons. This is also what our principle has encouraged us all to do. I used it both for self reflection and also I currently got with my district coach and she recorded some conferences with my students to help guide teachers on best practices with personalized instruction which is a district initiative.
Provide an example of ways in which you provide informational learning, exploration, and "play" with new technologies in your practicum.
Provide an example of ways in which you provide informational learning, exploration, and "play" with new technologies in your practicum.
Currently we are mostly working hard at staying organized through using tech but we are trying to figure out ways to encourage collaboration through tech among the other teachers. We are working on a bit of a book club where we are each reading chapters of books on teaching and then using Flipgrid to share our insights and information. This is something we have been talking about and are just now using in my school.
How are you moving from standardization to personalization within your educational setting?
The way I am moving from standardization to personalization is mostly by helping with the things my school and district wants to do and the goals they personally have. Each school is different, just like with each student they have their own personal interest and learning goals. By working with teachers to reach their goals I am personalizing my help.
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